
What do we learn from "b'Ein Alafim Evus Bar"?


Rashi #1: When there are no cattle, the trough is empty. Even straw is not found in the house! "Bar" is clean and empty.


Rashi #2: Where there are no Chachamim, you do not find ruling according to the Halachah.


R. Yonah: The trough is clean from dirt.


Malbim: Alafim are cattle trained to plow and work the land. It is an expression of learning and habit. One need not stand them by the trough to fatten them. They graze in places of grass and give harvests. Without Alafim - if he did not train them to plow, he stands them by the trough to fatten them. Not only do they not increase harvests - they [eat, and] decrease grain in the trough.


Malbim (according to the Mashal): Man must be like an ox to [bear] a yoke and a donkey to carry [a burden]. He must learn and be habituated to plow the fields of Chachmah, Tevunah and Da'as. Then, he will produce great harvests of the Nefesh and fruit of the Sechel. The Nefashos do not work, only the bodies are animals that we train them to do Avodas Hashem - "Alufeinu Mesubalim" (Tehilim 144:14). One who is not learned and habituated - an Evvil, who argues with Chachmah and did not learn its ways - he does not work his land. He wastes the grain of Chachmah via standing by the trough to get fat from delicacies of this world. Not only does he not help - he damages and consumes Kadosh harvest..


Why does it say "v'Rov Tevu'os b'Ko'ach Shor"?


R. Yonah: It is good for the field's owner to bear that the cattle will spend the night by their troughs, even though they sully the house, for most harvests are via cattle.


R. Yonah (according to the Mashal): Also Chachamim, their lips guard them (3) from speaking [of their] elevation above the commoners, even though they know that their own Nefashos are higher. They bear [the commoners'] words. Even if [the latter] err and do not speak properly according to the honor and fear of the Chachamim, they do not get angry at them. They bear the burden of the nation due to the benefit, that their words of rebuke will be heard and their Torah will be honored - "b'Rav Am Hadras Melech" (28). The nation will bear the Chachamim's affairs for them, in order that they will be free to learn Torah day and night. The clusters (Chachamim) must request mercy for the leaves (ignoramuses). Without the leaves, the clusters would not endure (Chulin 92a). The elders counseled Rechav'am "if you will be a slave to the nation today

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