
Who is "Ketzar Apayim"?


Rashi: He rushes to avenge his anger.


R. Yonah: He is an angry person.


What is the meaning of "Ya'aseh Iveles"?


R. Yonah: After mentioning that a Kesil does not fear harm (16), our verse describes the harm via anger. An angry person cannot avoid acting amidst anger and doing evil or folly. His bad thoughts will become known.


Malbim: The way of Tevunah is to delay anger and not immediately avenge and quarrel - "Erech Apayim Rav Tevunah u'Ketzar Ru'ach Merim Iveles 1 " (29). Also Sechel obligates this - "Sechel Adam He'erich Apo" (19:11). If he will quarrel with his colleague or take vengeance, also the latter will quarrel with him and disgrace him. His evil will return on his head. Therefore, "Ish Tevunos Yacharish" (11:12).


Malbim: There is Ketzar Apayim and Ketzar Ru'ach. The latter can have Erech Apayim. Apayim is external anger; Ru'ach is what puts images on the heart. One who is Ketzar Ru'ach cannot quiet his Ru'ach. He puts on his heart images of vengeance and hatred. Even though he delays his anger and does not openly do evil, he guards his hatred in his heart for an opportune time. Even though this is not against the ways of Tevunah and Sechel, it is against the laws of Chachmah, which command not to put these evil images in his Ru'ach on his heart, rather, to lower them, and put in place of them images of patience, mercy, humility and pardon. He is Iveles and unsure about the ways of Chachmah. It says "Merim Iveles", for even though he does not do Iveles, he raises it from the depth of the Nefesh onto the heart. Ketzar Apayim immediately avenges in action.


Who is "Ish Mezimos"?


Rashi: He has thoughts of evil counsel.


R. Yonah: Mezimos is seeking evil, hatred, rejoicing over another's demise, pride, choosing evil and despising good.


Malbim: It is one who plots deep thoughts to do evil - "Mechashev Lehare'a Lo Ba'al Mezimos Yikra'u" (24:8).


Why do people hate Ish Mezimos?


R. Yonah: He cannot hide his desire. It becomes known via his words ("bi'Sfasav Yinacher Sonei" - 26:24), or via his motions and face.

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