
Why does it say "Chachmos Nashim Bansah Beisah"?


Rashi, citing Sanhedrin 110a: This is the wife of Ohn ben Peles. (She saved him from going with Korach's congregation to offer Ketores.) Rashi - there a Patach under the Ches in "Chachmos", for it is not a noun (Chachmah). Rather, the wisest women build their houses, e.g. Ohn's wife.


Malbim: The author depicts Chachmah and folly as two women. He compares Chachmah to a woman, for the Nefesh receives Chachmah from an influence of supreme Sechel 1 . The Nefashos that learn and grow wise are good women, Neshei Chayil, who heed their Husband above. He influences on them His Ru'ach to make them understand His Emes. There are many parts of Chachmah, without limit. The encompassing Chachmah gathers all particular Chachmos. It is depicted as a house built of much wood, rocks, sand, plaster and walls. They are joined to build a palace for a king. The Chachmah that built this elevated house, it joined to the building all wise women - all the Nefashos that understand Yir'as Hashem, Nevi'im and Chachamim with good Sechel, they build the house.


Masculine influences, and feminine receives influence. (PF)


What do we learn from "v'Iveles b'Yadeha Sehersenu"?


Rashi: A crazy wife destroys her house, e.g. Korach's wife (Sanhedrin 110a. She incited him to challenge Moshe's words.)


R. Yonah: There is no intermediate Midah between Chachmah and Iveles that does not destroy nor build. The Iveles overtly destroys, via stupid counsel and errant Da'as.


Malbim: The foolish wives are Mezanah under their husbands, to go in dark without light, to crooked paths that lead to death. Iveles casts doubt on all the laws of Chachmah. She does not build, rather, destroys.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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