
What do we learn from "v'Hayah Sir bi'Yrushalayim uvi'Yhudah Kodesh"?


Radak: There will be so many Korbanos, that the pots will not suffice. Rather, every pot in Yerushalayim and Yehudah will be Kodesh, to cook Shelamim in it. Malbim - this is because there will be many converts.


What do we learn from "v'Lo Yihyeh Chena'ani Od b'Veis Hashem Tzevakos ba'Yom ha'Hu"?


Rashi: They will not need to do business 1 [in the Mikdash]. Kena'ani is a merchant -"Kin'aneha Nichbedei Aretz" (Yeshayah 23:8).


Rashi citing Pesachim 50a #2: "Chena'ani" like 'Ein Kan Oni.' (There are no poor people here.)


Radak, based on Targum Yonasan: They will not need to sell pots, or copper in order to make pots, in the Mikdash, for many will volunteer and be Makdish pots for Hekdesh.


Radak citing his father: There will not be Giv'onim (one of the seven Kena'ani nations) in the Mikdash. They used to chop wood and draw water in the Mikdash; in the future, great people of the Nochrim will be slaves of Kohanim. And so he explained "v'Gam Mehem Ekach la'Kohanim la'Leviyim" (Yeshayah 66:21).


Malbim: There will not be a merchant selling lambs, doves or turtledoves in the Mikdash, like there used to be, when they raised their price. They will not do business to profit from this, for all will make their animals a Nedavah to Kodesh.


This can be like Targum Yonasan or Pesachim 50a (refer to 14:21:2:3, 5). Rashi's second Perush is like the second Perush there. However, the Gemara there learns from "va'Yar Sham Yehudah Bas Ish Kena'ani." Rashi there explained that treasurers of Hekdesh will not need to do business with Hekdesh, for Hekdesh will have abundant wealth from spoils. Radak and Malbim explain Targum Yonasan differently.

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