
What is the significance of healing "Meshuvasam"?


Rashi: The Navi says, Ru'ach ha'Kodesh told me, since they will say so in front of Me, I will heal their waywardness.


Radak: If you will do so, so He will answer you, that He will heal your waywardness and rebellion against Him until now.


Malbim: The verse depicts their waywardness like a wound stuck to them. I will heal the wound via Teshuvah.


What do we learn from "Ohavem Nedavah"?


Rashi: I will love them with the munificence of My Ru'ach even though they do not deserve love. I will volunteer to love them, for "My anger departed from them."


Sha'arei Teshuvah 1:42: This is like David said "v'Ru'ach Nedavah Sismecheni" (Tehilim 51:14). I was diminished due to my sin. I am not worthy of your miracles, and for Your Kadosh arm to be revealed on me. If You bore my sin, I am not worthy to be loved and pleasing like before. However, with Ru'ach Nedavah You support me - there is no end to Your Nedivus and good.


Malbim: Not only will I bear [their sins in] the past - I will love them amidst munificence of the heart.


Why did His anger depart from them?


Radak, Malbim: It is because they repented. It says Ohavem (plural) for the individuals, and Mimenu (singular) for the Klal.

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