What are the implications of "Lo Hafach es Eino"?
Sifra: It implies that it did not change from its appearance of Tum'ah - and must be burnt even if it changed from Yerakrak to Adamdam, or vice-versa. 1
See Torah Temimah, note 228.
What will be the Din after the first Hesger?
Rashi: If the Nega spread, even if it did not get stronger, or vice-versa, or even if it remained unchanged, it is Tamei Muchlat. Whereas if it did not spread but became weaker, it must be locked up again for another seven days. 1
As R. Yehudah learns from "Vehisgiro Shiv'as Yamim Sheinis" (Pasuk 54); whereas according to the Rabbanan, it too is Tamei Muchlat (See Malbim). In any event, it is only if the Nega disappears completely - either after the first seven-day period or the second, that the Beged is Tahor (See Pasuk 59).
What are the connotations of "be'Karachto O be'Gabachto" in connection with Tzara?as Begadim?
Da'as Zekenim (in Pasuk 42) and Hadar Zekenim (in Pasuk 46): It means whether in a location without hair or in a location with hair.
Ba'al ha'Turim: It means 'on an old garment - from which the hair has fallen out, or on a new one - from which the hairs protrude. 3
Why does the Torah need to repeat "be'Karachto O be'Gabachto"?
Rashi: In order to learn via a Gezeirah Shavah from "Karachas" and "Gabachas" from Nig'ei Adam in Pasuk 42, that if the Nega spreads to the entire garment, it is Tahor.
What is the meaning of "P'cheses Hi"?
Rashi and Targum Yonasan: It means that (it appears) sunken. 1
Hadar Zekenim (in Pasuk 46): It means that it is a decreasing plague - which is destined to spread, 2 .
Torah Temimah: As in Yirmiyah, 43:28.
That is why it must be burned, and it will not suffice to merely remove the stricken piece.
Rashi writes that a Gezeirah Shavah teaches just as Nig'ei Adam that spread to the entire body are Tahor, also Nig'ei Begadim. But we already know this from "Vechis'sah ha'Tzara'as es Kol Or ha'Nega me'Rosho ve'Ad Raglav" in Pasuk 12 - in connection with Nig'ei Adam (implying that there was a Michyah in the Nega) and now Tzara'as covered the entire Nega)? And there is nothing in the Pasuk that compares Nig'ei Begadim to Nig'ei Adam?
Riva (in Pasuk 42): Here it implies that Pasuk 12 discusses covering the entire man's body.