Why does the Torah write "Vesaraf es ha'Beged" and not "Vesaraf oso"?
Yevamos, 103b: To teach us that, even whilst it is being burnt it is still called a Beged., and that onsequently, if the majority of a garment that is three by three Etzba'os enters a house it renders all the vessels in the house Tamei. 1
See Torah Temimah, note 221.
What does the Pasuk mean when it writes "ba'Tzemer O ba'Pishtim"?
Rashi #1: It refers to a garment that is made out of wool or linen. 1
Rashi #2: It comes to preclude garments that are made of other materials from the Din of burning.
Sifra: It comes to preclude tufts that are made of materials other than wool or linen from having to be burnt. 2
Why does does Torah insert the word "Asher Yih'yeh (future) bo ha'Naga"?
Sifra: "Yih'yeh" implies a Beged or part of a Beged that is fit to become to Tum'ah. 1 Consequently, a garment that is made of various kinds of material, it is only those that are subject to Nig'ei Begadim that need to be burnt.
See Torah Temimah, note 222. See also ha'Torah ve'ha'Mitzvah, Si'man 167.
Why does the Torah repeat "Ki Tzara'as Mam'eres hi"?