
Bearing in mind that the prefix 'Hey' has connotations of importance, who is "ve'ha'Tzaru'a" referring to?


Mo'ed Katan, 14b: It comes to include a Kohen Gadol who is a Metzora in the Din of Peri'ah and Perimah - in spite of the fact that he is normally forbidden to perform either of them. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 178.


What are the implications of the (otherwise superlfuous) words "asher bo ha'Nega"?


Megilah, 8b: it comes to preclude a Metzora Musgar - whose Tzara'as depends on days rather than on his body 1 - from Peri'ah and Perimah. 2


Oznayim la'Torah: To incorporate Nig'ei Basar in the Din of Peri'ah and Perimah.


See Torah Temimah, note 180.


Megilah (Ibid.): In fact, it is the only difference between a Musgar and a Muchlat. See Torah Temimah, nmote 179.


Why does the Torah write "Begadav Yih'yu Ferumim", and not 'Begadav Yifrom ve'Rosho Yifro'?


Torah Temimah: Because, as opposed to an Aveil, the Metzora is not obligated to actually tear his clothes - and it wil suffice if his clothes are torn without his participion. 1


See Torah Shemini, 10:6, note 9.


What is the meaning of "ve'al Safam Ya'ateh"?


Rashi: It means that the Metzora must cover his head down to his moustache 1 like an Aveil. 2


Targum Yonasan: See 13:45:1:1. It also means that he must remain outside the borders of the town. 3


Mo'ed Katan, 15a: It also implies that he must keep his lips sealed - a prohibition against greeting (likean Aveil) 4


As was customary in those days.


Oznayim la'Torah: Because a Metzora is considered like a Meis. See Oznayim la'Torah, who elaborates/


See Na'ar Yonasan.


See Torah Temimah, note 184. It also serves as a reminder to guard his mouth from speaking Lashon ha'Ra - therby avoiding further Tzaros from coming upon him (Oznayim la'Torah).


Why did the Metzora have to announce 'Tamei Tamei'?


Rashi, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: To warn people to keep away from him, to avoid becoming Tamei by touching him.


Moshav Zekenim (citing Mo'ed Katan, 5a): He must announce his pain to others, and they will Daven that Hashem should have mercy on him. 1


Oznayim la'Torah: Until now, when he met someone, he would speak Lashon ha'Ra with him, and the fact that now, he warns him to keep away from Tum'ah and asks him to Daven on his behalf 2 serves as a Kaparah.


Moshav Zekenim: One whose entire body is covered with Tzara'as, everyone knows this, and he need not announce; he is Tahor. (People do not see under his clothes, only exposed areas. Also one whose face and hands are covered with Tzara'as, everyone knows this! - PF) Similarly, a snake is totally covered with Tzara'as, therefore it is not Tamei like other Sheratzim are.


Both Mitzvos - See Oznayim la'Torah DH 've'Tamei Tamei Yikra #6.


Why is the word "Tamei" repeated?'


Mo'ed Katan 5a: In order to learn from it a. by way of hint the obligation to mark graves 1 ; b. that the Metzora needs to announce his pain to others, so that they will Daven for him.


Oznayim la'Torah #1: To convey the two reasons for the obligation to announce. 2


Oznayim la'Torah #2: "Tamei" from Machaneh Leviyah and "Tamei" from Machaneh Yisrael, he cries out in anguish - something that even a Meis (to which he is compared) is not required to do.


Mo'ed Katan (Ibid.): In the same way as the Metzora announces 'I am Tamei; keep away from me!' The Moshav Zekenim in Sh'mos, 1:1 learns marking graves from the juxtaposition of "Vayisem ba'Aron beMitzrayim" to "ve'Eilu Sh'mos". The Gemara did not cite this source, and one opinion maintains that there is no source in the Torah for it! (PF)


Refer to 13:45:151:1 & 2. And that also explains why there is a P'sik (a break) between the two words (Oznayim la'Torah).


What is "ve'ha'Tzaru'a" coming to include?


Moshav Zekenim: It includes a Kohen Gadol. 1


Moshav Zekenim: Even though the Torah says "u'Vegadav Lo Yifrom" in connection with a Meis - if he is striken with Tzara'as, he is obligated to tear.

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