
How is one's wealth ransom for his Nefesh?


Rashi #1: He does Tzedakah from his wealth.


Rashi #2: His Torah is a ransom for his Nefesh.


R. Yonah: See the folly of one who gets rich and has nothing to give 1 to ransom his Nefesh.


Malbim: The primary wealth is if it is a ransom for his spiritual Nefesh - if he gives it to the poor to redeem his Nefesh from destruction.


I.e. he did not do Tzedakah with his wealth. (PF)


What is the significance of "v'Rash Lo Shama Ge'arah"?


Rashi #1: His Tzedakah is a ransom for his Nefesh on condition that he does not audibly rebuke the Oni to whom he gives, and does not shame him.


Rashi #2: One who is poor in Divrei Torah. He did not hear chastising. He does not know to veer from evil, for he was not warned.


Rashi citing Shocher Tov 91: This refers to Machatzis ha'Shekel. The Torah obligated all of Yisrael, and equated the poor and rich. The poor does not hear the rich rebuke or shame him, saying 'my share in Korbanos Tzibur is greater than yours.'


R. Yonah: [Since he sees the folly of Mis'asher v'Ein Kol], therefore he is wise to be "Misroshesh v'Hon Rav" (he acts poor, even though he has great wealth). He attained the benefit of wealth without its damage; "v'Lo Fanah El ha'Rehavim" (Tehilim 40:5; he did not turn to the haughty) and to desire for honor, to abandon the path of benefit (due to desire for honor).


Malbim: If the Ashir gives to the poor to redeem his Nefesh, the poor will not hear rebuke, and the Ashir will not be angry that he comes to take, to enable the Ashir to live forever. He gives to him with great Simchah!

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