
What do we learn from "Baz l'Davar Yechavel Lo"?


Rashi: One who belittles a word of Torah, in the end he will be mortgaged for it.


Rashi citing Shocher Tov 34: David asked Hashem, what benefit is there from lunatics that You created? Hashem said, in the end you will need lunacy, when he came in front of Achish (Melech Pelishtim) and feigned insanity and drooled on his beard.


Sha'arei Teshuvah (1:38-39): If one belittles light sins, they will wound him. (Via constantly doing it, it become like Heter to him. He cast off its yoke, and he is like one who denies one matter 1 . And if the Yetzer defeats him in a small matter, tomorrow it will defeat him in a big matter.


Malbim: Early Chachamim argued about whether or not one must fulfill all 613 Mitzvos, or if it suffices to fulfill one. Some say that "Hirchivah She'ol


Some consider this like denying the entire Torah (Eruvin 69b, Chulin 2a). (PF)


What is "Yeshulam"?


Rashi: He will receive reward.


What do we learn from "vi'Yrei Mitzvah Hu Yeshulam"?


Sha'arei Teshuvah (1:38-39): If one fears to neglect a Mitzvah, like one fears a severe Aveirah, he is destined for the full reward.


Malbim: If he fears the Mitzvah, even though he fulfilled only one, he will receive reward for the entire Torah 1 .


Surely if he rejects the other Mitzvos, he will not get reward for them! Perhaps he means that he fulfilled only one Mitzvah perfectly. Or, he died shortly after converting or becoming Bar Mitzvah, and suffices to fulfill only one Mitzvah. (PF)

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