
Which idols are these?


Radak #1: The idols that were before they were exiled.


Radak #2: The idols that they serve there today.


How will He cut off the name of idolatry?


Malbim: People will not mention their names any more.


Is cutting off the name of idolatry connected to the previous verse?


Malbim (1): Yes ? the Makor will purify from any trace of idolatry. Its pure water flows from wellsprings of Chochmah and Da'as Kedoshim. After the last war, the water will bring knowledge of Hashem - "Ki Mal'ah ha'Aretz De'ah Es Hashem ka'Mayim la'Yam Mechasim" (Yeshayah 11:9). After "Yetze'u Mayim Chayim?; v'Hayah Hashem l'Melech Al Kol ha'Aretz" (14:8-9) ? all will recognize His unity, and the Emes of His Elokus (14:8). This is the water that Yechezkel saw (47:5).


Which Nevi'im are these?


Rashi: They are the false Nevi'im [Radak ? in Bayis Rishon 1 ]. Malbim ? Nevi'ei ha'Ba'al are still found in India, China and Japan, where they still serve idolatry. They speak eloquently to draw people to believe in folly.


Radak (6, citing his father): You will be in the future, at the time of Techiyas ha'Mesim. It says "Rabim mi'Yshenei Admas Afar Yakitzu Elu l'Chayei Olam" ? the Tzadikim, "v'Eleh la'Charafos l'Dir'on Olam" (Daniel 12:2) ? those who denied Hashem or denied Techiyas ha'Mesim. The Beinonim did not deny Hashem, but they had false dreams and concocted Nevu'ah from their hearts. However, they did not serve idolatry. When they will be revived, they will have lashes on their hands like boils. This will be reward for their deeds and punishment for false Nevu'ah, so people will recognize them. It will be shame for them ? "Yevoshu ha'Nevi'im Ish me'Chezyono b'Hinav'oso" (4), due to their prior Nevu'os.


Malbim citing Mahari: In Eretz Yisrael there are still Nevi'im of the Kara'ites. They fall on the ground like epileptics and speak Nevu'ah in the name of their false Navi, with Ru'ach ha'Tum'ah that rests on them.


Seemingly, the Parashah discusses the end of days. Why did Radak specify Bayis Rishon? Presumably, since all knew that Nevu'ah ceased early in Bayis Sheni, afterwards no one would heed one who claimed to be a Navi. (PF)


What is the Ru'ach ha'Tum'ah?


Rashi: It is the Yetzer ha'Ra.

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