
Why does the verse compare Hashem to "Dov Shakul"?


Rashi: This is like Shukal. Shakul has the grammatical form of "Chanun v'Rachum 1 " (Yo'el 2:13). It is totally dressed with bereavement, and it is prepared to bereave people.


Radak: If its children were killed, it is bereaved and bitter. If it finds a person or animal, it cleaves it quickly. Shakul is mentioned regarding a bear, but not regarding a lion or tiger, for a bear gives birth to pieces of flesh. The entire child is covered in a very thick fetal sac. The bear licks the sac and cuts it a little, lest it harm the child. It exerts greatly until all the flesh is removed and the child comes out. Therefore, it is more bitter [than other animals] when its children are killed.


Malbim: The second Chayah that Daniel saw was like a bear. It represents Malchus Madai.


Why did Rashi not cite "Rachum v'Chanun" from the Chumash (Shemos 34:6)? (PF)


Why does it mention tearing the closure of their heart?


Rashi #1: This is like a bear holds the chest with its fingernails and tears until the heart.


Rashi #2: Their heart is closed from understanding to return to Me. Radak - I will tear it. This is a Mashal. So a lion tears the body until the heart, and eats it and drinks its blood.


Malbim: This was in the days of Haman. They opened their hearts and repented.


What is the comparison to eating there like a Lavi (mature lion)?


Radak: There, in their cities, I will consume them with plague and the enemy's sword, like a Lavi tears without compassion. Also wild beasts will tear them, like it says "v'Hishlachti Vachem Es Chayas ha'Sadeh v'Shikelah Eschem" (Vayikra 26:22).


Malbim: This is in Galus Edom, the fourth Chayah [that Daniel saw] - "Achlah u'Madekah u'Sh'ara b'Raglah Rafsah" (Daniel 7:7 - it ate, grinded the food finely, and trampled the leftovers). I.e. in the days of all the exiles, it seemed to them that I tear them. This is wrong! The Chayah cleaves them. Since I hid My face, Chayos come against them.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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