
Why does it say "Chashach ha'Shemesh"?


Rashi: Amidst their affliction, it seems to them as if the sun darkened.


What are "Kesileihem"?


Rashi: They are their Mazalos.


Radak citing R. Yonah: Kesil is a big star. The stars attached to (near) it are called Kesilim, on its name.


What is "Yahelu"?


Rashi: They will illuminate 1 . This is like "b'Hilo Nero", "Ohr Ki Yahel" (Iyov 29:3, 31:26). Radak, Malbim - the Nevi'im speak in metaphors. When affliction comes to a person, they say that he dwells in darkness; the sun does not shine for him, and the stars and any light do not illuminate for him - "Yid'ach Nero be'Eshun Choshech" (Mishlei 20:20).


Malbim: Ohr is illuminating for someone else. Nogah is receiving light from another body, e.g. the moon from the sun. Halel is illuminating for oneself, and not for others. The verse teaches that the stars will not find any Halel and radiance in themselves, and the sun will darken. It will not be like night, when the sun is dark, and the moon takes light from the sun and illuminates on the land. The moon will not do so. All this is a metaphor for the fall of Bavel and the star of their success in Shamayim.


Radak: The root is Halel. This is like Yagihu - "v'Yare'ach Lo Yagi'ah Oro" (13:10). It is as if he said that they will not give their light.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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