
Why does she ask why this happened?


Malbim: Perhaps she thinks that it is chance, and asks why Hashem did not save her.


What is "Shulayich"?


Rashi: It is the bottom of your garment. When one undresses a woman disgracefully, one reverses (picks up) her robe from the bottom, upwards.


Radak: It is the bottom of your garment. When the bottom is reversed to be on top, it is revealed and the wearer is exposed. This is like "v'Gilisi Shulayich Al Panayich" (Nachum 3:5).


Malbim: This is a metaphor - her sin is like Tum'as Nidah; the blood inside her comes out on the bottom of her garment. When the bottom of her garment is exposed, the blood of her Tum'ah is revealed.


What is the meaning of "Nechmesu Akevayich"?


Rashi: Your roads were cut off. Nechmesu is like "va'Yachmos ka'Gan Suko" (Eichah 2:6). Akevayich is your steps; passersby ceased.


Radak: [After the bottom of the garment is reversed to be on top,] the ankles are exposed. This is like "va'Yachmos ka'Gan Suko" (Eichah 2:6). It is a metaphor for Keneses Yisrael. She was hidden under the wings of the Shechinah, and honored in her land. Now she is exiled, and her covering was removed from her, and she is exposed. Her disgrace is exposed to all in the lands of Nochrim.


Malbim: When a Nidah walks and the blood drips from her, her steps are revealed via drops of blood. This illustrates her sin of not believing in Hashem. She went to request help from Egypt, and her steps were revealed.

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