
How could Yo'ash open the window while his hand was on the bow?


Radak #1: Elisha told him to open it before he told him to put his hand on the bow.


Radak #2: Elisha commanded someone else to open the window.


Elisha told him to put "Yadcha" (singular) on the bow. Even though it says that Elisha put his hands on the king's hands, the king could open the window with his other hand. (PF)


Why did he open the window to the east?


Rashi, Radak, Malbim: It was towards Aram, which is in the east - "Aram mi'Kedem" (Yeshayah 9:11). Radak - the nation on which the arrow will fall, Hashem will save Yisrael from them. 1


This implies that the arrow fell on Aram. This explains why Malbim (16) says that Elisha needed to bring an influence of strength onto Yo'ash's hands. (PF)


What is the meaning of "Yere va'Yor"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: [He commanded him] 'cast', and he cast.


Why did he say "Chetz Teshu'ah la'Shem"?


Rashi: The arrow is a sign of salvation for Yisrael.


Malbim: The salvation must be attributed to Hashem.


Why did he say that he will strike Aram in Afek?


Radak: This is the city Afek in Yehudah; it is not the Afek in Asher. Yisrael killed 100,000 of Aram there in one day in the days of Achav (Melachim I, 20:26-30). Elisha had a Nevu'ah in the same place that there was a salvation then, there will be another salvation for Yisrael against Aram. Malbim - that salvation was based on a Navi. Therefore, the place is prepared for salvation.


Why did he say "Ad Kale"?


Radak: He was told in Nevu'ah that if the king will shoot many arrows, he will eradicate Aron. Elisha thought that Yo'ash will not cease to shoot 1 until he tells him to stop.


Verse 18 implies that Elisha was angry because he did not hit more arrows on the ground! After he shot one arrow, Elisha told him to take arrows and strike the ground! It seems that Elisha had removed his hands from Yo'ash's hands. If not, he should have guided them to shoot or hit more arrows! (PF)

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