
Why does it say "Chitzei Gibor"?


Rashi #1: [The tongue] kills people far away, like arrows.


Rashi #2: This will be Hashem's decree for you - arrows above and Gehinom below 1 .


Erchin 15b implies like this; the Gibor is Hashem.


Why does it say "Im"?


Radak: The words are both like arrows and Rosem coals (refer to 120:4:3:1). Malbim - a false tongue that speaks Leshon ha'Ra is like arrows that kill from afar. A deceptive tongue that tricks people is like Rosem coals, that burn nearby.


Why does it mention "Gachalei Resamim"?


Rashi (Bereishis Rabah 98:19): All other coals, when they extinguish on the outside, they extinguish inside. These coals extinguish on the outside, but not inside. Radak - even when externally they look like ashes, as if they extinguished, fire burns inside. So are words of a deceptive tongue, which shows people that his heart is not evil against him, so he will not guard from him, and when he separates from him, he speaks evil about him.

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