
What acts will be judged?


Rashi: All acts of man. Ma'aseh has a Segol under the Sin, and the Ta'am is l'Ma'alah 1 , for it is not Samuch to Elokim.


Granted, when it is Samuch, there is a Tzeirei under the Sin. However, in every case the accent on the last syllable! This requires investigation. (PF)


What is the significance that Elokim will bring everyone in Mishpat?


Rav Sadya Gaon: He has an assemblage to judge all creations.


Ibn Ezra: In this entire Sefer, it does not say Hashem's four letter name, only Elokim, just like in Bereishis until "va'Ychulu ha'Shamayim veha'Aretz v'Chol Tzeva'am 1 " (Bereishis 2:1).


Ibn Ezra: This is the Klal.


Seforno: He will judge "Ma'ase Elokim", i.e. what was done willingly with the knowledge of the intellect, which is Elokim 2 and purely spiritual. He will not bring acts due to one's nature.


Magihah (in Toras Chayim): Before va'Ychulu discusses Ma'ase Bereishis, and the nature that Hashem put into the world. Shem Havayah brings wonders. Koheles discusses the natural world - there is no addition, detraction or Chidush.


Also angels are called Elohim. Perhaps Seforno agrees with Rashi that Ma'aseh is not Samuch to Elokim (refer to 12:14:1:1 and the note there); Elokim is the subject. However, we expound Elokim also to refer to Ma'aseh (PF). .


What is the consequence of "Yavi v'Mishpat..."?


R. Avigdor citing Chagigah 5a: R. Yochanan would cry when he reached this verse. If a master weighs Shogeg sins of his slave like Mezid, is there any solution for him?! R. Avigdor - Yavi is written Chaser (missing a Yud), so its Gematriya is 13 - after 13 years (Bar Mitzvah), Hashem brings him for judgment.


What do we learn from "Al Kol Nelam"?


Torah Temimah citing Chagigah 5a #1: This refers to one who kills a louse in front of his colleague, and the latter is repulsed. (The former is judged for causing this.)


Torah Temimah citing Chagigah 5a #2: This refers to one who spits in front of his colleague, and the latter is repulsed.


Rashi: It is even for Shogeg.


Ibn Ezra #1, Metzudas David: Every seen deed will be judged according to the hidden, i.e. the intent in the heart, "Im Tov v'Im Ra."


Ibn Ezra #2: [There will be judgment] even on what is hidden from you 1 .


Rid: Even covert acts.


Seforno: For every eternal reward and punishment, that its essence is hidden from him.


Ibn Ezra: My first Perush is primary (refer to 12:14:4:4).


Why does it say "Im Tov v'Im Ra"?


Rashi: Even if one stumbled in a Mitzvah, e.g. he publicly gave Tzedakah to an Oni (this embarrasses him).


Rashbam: Whether the person is good or bad, Hashem will judge [also] for all that he was unaware of.


Rid, Seforno: There will be punishment for evil, and reward for good - "Mah Rav Tuvecha Asher Tzafanta li'Re'echa" (Tehilim 31:20).


R. Avigdor #1: Shlomo ended his Sefer with these words, for their Gematriya equals that of his name.


R. Avigdor #2: Whether one is good or bad, he will not be exempted from the Din of Chibut ha'Kever (sealing the coffin).


Mesilas Yesharim (Perek 4): Just like Hashem does not forget any good deed, as small as it may be, so He does not abandon judging any bad deed, as small as it may be.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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