
Earlier, in Pasuk 3:22, Hashem says that upon leaving Egypt, Bnei Yisrael would ask them for clothing; and our verse says that they indeed took. But why does Pasuk 11:2 omit any mention of clothing?


Sifsei Chachamim citing the Maharshal: The Bnei Yisrael asked to borrow 1 clothes 2 of their own accord. 3


Divrei David: In 11:2, it specifies men and women; so it omits clothes, to hint that clothes are not always permitted - e.g., for a man to wear a woman's garment or vice-versa. Whereas in 3:22, where the Torah discusses a woman taking from a woman, the Torah mentions clothes. 4


Kol Eliyahu: In 11:2, Hashem was instructing them to borrow Keilim (not clothing) from other Yisre'elim. 5


Did the Egyptians intend that these be returned? Refer to 11:2:1.2 and 11:2:2, and to 12:35:151:1.


Rashi: Since the verse mentions silver vessels before gold vessels, i.e. the more precious item is listed last, this shows that the last item (garments) was most precious. Sifsei Chachamim - They were most precious -- to the Egyptians; for they knew that the Bnei Yisrael dress differently, and they would make alterations and not return them.


And in 3:22, Hashem told Moshe that they would ask for clothes of their own accord. (How can it be that Moshe did not tell the people)? (PF)


Rashbam to 3:22: What the Torah therefore means is that they will put the silver and golden ornaments on their sons and daughters; and that the garments taken from the women will be placed on their daughters.


Refer to 12:35:152.


Why does the Torah need to add the words, "U'Benei Yisrael Asu ki'Devar Moshe"?


Oznayim la'Torah #1: Because personally, they were reluctant to borrow silver, gold and clothes from the Egyptians. 1


Oznayim la'Torah #2: Because, after reaching the highest levels during the Seder the previous night, gold and silver were of no significance to them. They only borrowed from the Egyptians, because Moshe had instructed them to do so.


Refer to 12:36:1:5.


Why did the Torah write here, at this point, that they borrowed Keilim from the Egyptians, rather than next to the command to do so (11:2)?


Hadar Zekenim: [It is written here, next to] "Tzeruros b'Simlosam" (12:34), because, when [Yisrael were leaving, and] the Egyptians asked for their clothing back, 1 Yisrael replied that they are tied up, and that they should wait for them to untie them. The Egyptians replied, 'We will not wait - Leave [immediately]!'


This implies that they did not ask to borrow to take to serve Hashem in the desert. (PF)



Rashi writes: "'And garments' - These were more precious to them than the silver and gold; the last item [mentioned] in the Pasuk is the greatest in value." How is this derived?


Mizrachi: Otherwise, why mention the garments in this Pasuk? (If the Egyptians willingly parted (12:36) with their gold and silver, certainly they also gave away their clothing!) Rather, they must have considered their garments to be even more valuable. 1 See 12:35:1.2.


I.e., it was not the recipients of the gifts, the Bnei Yisrael, who attached great value to the clothing, but rather the Egyptians who gave them.


Rashi writes: "'And garments' - These were more precious to them than the silver and gold." If so, why in verse 11:2, when Hashem requested that the Bnei Yisrael ask, did it specify only "silver and gold vessels; with no mention of garments?


Gur Aryeh: It was only in Egypt that garments were considered more precious than gold (and our verses must therefore specify that the Egyptians nonetheless gave them over). The Bnei Yisrael, who were leaving, did not consider the garments to be so valuable. 1


Kol Eliyahu: Refer to 12:35:1:3.


But in Parshas Shemos (3:22), when Hashem first informed Moshe at the Seneh that we would leave with this wealth, the verse does in fact mention garments. (See Keli Yakar there - CS.)


Rashi writes that Bnei Yisrael did as Moshe said, and borrowed "Ish me'Es Re'ehu" (11:2). What is Rashi adding that is not explicit in the Pasuk? Also, the term 'Re'ehu' generally excludes Nochrim (Bava Kama 36b)!


Kol Eliyahu: The command to borrow 'Ish me'Es Re'ehu' (11:2) refers to borrowing from other Yisre'elim. 1 And it was on this merit that Hashem gave them grace in the eyes of the Egyptians, and they gave them their clothing and jewelry.


Kol Eliyahu: This also explains why earlier, in 11:2, Hashem needed to say "Please." (It also explains why there, it omits asking for clothes, and why the following Pasuk (11:3) says that Hashem gave [already then] Yisrael grace in the eyes of the Egyptians - PF.)

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