
What do we learn from "va'Yasar El Mal'ach"?


Radak: The matter is repeated to strengthen it. It was a great wonder for a person to fight an angel and overcome him - "va'Yar Ki Lo Yachol Lo" (Bereishis 32:26).


Malbim: The Navi informs the dearness of days of old. When Yaravam became king, it says "he built Shechem in Har Efrayim, and left there and built Penu'el. He took counsel, and made two golden calves - he put one in Beis Kel, and one in Dan. The latter is not surprising - Pesel Michah was in Dan from of old, and they thought that it is Hukdash for serving the calves. Why did he put one in Beis Kel, and it was primary? And why did he build Shechem and Penu'el? The 10 tribes attributed themselves to Yakov and tried to resemble him. Yaravam wanted to sanctify places that would be Kedoshim in the eyes of Yisrael like Yerushalayim. Yakov, the father of the nation, fought with an angel in Penu'el, and from there he went to Shechem. From Shechem he went to Beis Kel, and built a Mizbe'ach there. Penu'el had Kedushah due to seeing the angel, and Shechem had Kedushah because Yakov built a Mizbe'ach there (Bereishis 33:20). Also refer to 12:5:4:4.


Who cried?


Rashi: The angel. Radak - the Torah did not say that he cried and supplicated, only "va'Yomer Shalecheni Ki Alah ha'Shachar" (Bereishis 32:27). All this teaches that Hashem sends an angel to help a Tzadik and do his will. Therefore, he separated from [Yakov] only with his consent.


What was his supplication?


Rashi: When Yakov said that he will not send him unless he blesses him, he requested 'leave me now.' Refer to 12:5:4:1.


What do we learn from "Beis Kel Yimtza'enu v'Sham Yedaber Imanu"?


Rashi: In the end, Hashem will reveal Himself to you in Beis Kel, and there He will find us and He will speak with us, and He and I will agree to the Brachos that Yitzchak blessed you. That angel was the Sar of Esav; he [initially fought, and] contested the Brachos.


Radak: The angel found [Yakov] also in Beis Kel, and blessed him there. Yimtza'enu is future tense in place of past.


Radak citing his father: The angel told Yakov that Hashem will find him in Beis Kel - He will reveal Himself to him, and call his name Yisrael, "Ki Sarisa Im Elohim v'Im Anashim va'Tuchal" (Bereishis 32:29).


Malbim: Hashem appeared to Yakov in Beis Kel. There was an ancient Midrash that the angel promised that in Beis Kel he will agree that Yakov deserves the Brachos. Yaravam said that the angel remained in Beis Kel, and there he will reveal himself to Nevi'ei ha'Egel and those who serve it.


Who will speak with whom there?


Rashi: In Beis Kel, Hashem will speak with us, and He and I will agree to the Brachos that Yitzchak blessed you. That angel was the Sar of Esav; he [initially fought, and contested] the Brachos.


Radak: The Navi says that there in Beis Kel, [Hashem] speaks with me and Amos to rebuke Yisrael for serving the calf in Beis Kel - "Dirshuni vi'Chyu; v'Al Tidreshu Beis Kel..." (Amos 5:4-5).


Radak citing Rav Sadya Gaon: "Imanu" is like 'for us' or 'about us.' He told Yakov "Pere u'Rve Goy v'Kahal Amim Yihyeh Mimeka" (Bereishis 35:11) for the sake of Zera Yisrael. Chazal said, this angel was Micha'el; it says about him "ha'Mal'ach ha'Go'el Osi mi'Kol Ra..." (Bereishis 48:16).


Refer to 12:5:4:3-4.

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