
What is "Ro'eh Ru'ach"?


Rashi: It is an expression of Rei'a. He joins with matters of Ru'ach (emptiness), to idolatry.


Radak: Efrayim's service of the calves was like one who opens his mouth to the wind; he will not live from this.


Malbim: Efrayim 'grazes' Ru'ach and folly in matters of Emunah.


Why does it add "v'Rodef Kadim"?


Radak: The matter is repeated in different words. It mentions Kadim, for the east wind is the harshest; it damages people. I.e. not only did serving the calves not help - it harmed them.


What do we learn from "Kol ha'Yom Kazav v'Shod Yarbeh"?


Radak: He does not retract from his evil. Rather, all days he increases Kazav (serving the calves), and Shod v'Shever (punishment for serving them). He does not understand, and does not refrain from serving the calves, to serve Hashem. Rather, when afflictions come, it makes a Bris with Ashur or with Egypt to help them - sometimes with this one, and sometimes will this one.


Malbim: This is in matters Bein Adam l'Chavero.


What is the significance of "u'Vris Im Ashur Yichrosu"?


Malbim: Efrayim prepared for itself the trap to be exiled from its land. After the Bris with Ashur, Hoshe'a ben Elah was a slave to Melech Ashur. If so, why did he send oil to Egypt, and messengers to Soa Melech Egypt? It was to rebel. This was the reason for their Galus!


Why does it say "v'Shemen l'Egypt Yuval"?


Rashi: They bring their oil to Egypt for a bribe, to help them. Radak - Eretz Yisrael sends oil to other lands, like it says in the Nevu'ah of Tzor "Yehudah v'Eretz Yisrael Hemah Rochelayich b'Chitei Minis u'Fanag u'Devash va'Shemen Nasnu Ma'aravech" (Yechezkel 27:17), and it says in Yeshayah (57:9) "va'Tashuri la'Melech ba'Shemen", for Eretz Yisrael is "Eretz... Zeis Shemen" (Devarim 8:8).

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