
Why did Hashem say that Yechezkel dwells amidst Beis ha'Meri?


Malbim: One whose nature is not prepared to recognize Hashem's miracles and wonders amidst His deeds, he lacks the roots of Emunah. He is not called Mamre (rebellious), only Evvil and Kesil. They have eyes to see, and they do not see ? they are rebellious ? "ha'Chershim Shema'u veha'Ivrim Habitu Lir'os" (Yeshayah 43:18).


Do they not see and hear at all?


Radak: They saw that they were exiled, and it is as if they did not see. They heard your words of rebuke, and it is as if they did not hear. They still support those who remain in Yerushalayim.[Bnei Golah's] Nevi'im and magicians sent to [Yerushalayim] that those remaining will not be exiled. Shemayah ha'Nechelami sent Seforim to the entire nation in Yerushalayim to assure them with Sheker (Yirmeyah 29:31).


Malbim: Not only do they not see [Hashem's miracles] ? they do not hear from His Nevi'im. This is because they are Beis Meri, not amidst folly.

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