
What are "Sevivosav Ezro"?


Radak: There is a Hei at the end of Ezro, just like "Ahalo" (Bereishis 12:8). Sevivosav are those who stood around Tzidkiyah to help him, lest he fall to the Kasdim. They wanted to fight the Kasdim. This was against the Navi's word, that if he will go (surrender) to Melech Bavel, he will live; bring your necks into the yoke of Melech Bavel, serve him and his nation, and live (Yirmeyah 38:17, 27:12).


Malbim: They are his soldiers.


What are "Kol Agafav"?


Rashi: They are his officers.


Rashi citing Menachem: It is an expression of wings. Radak citing his father - the Aleph in Agafav and Agafecha is extra. The Targum of Kenafayim (wings) is Gapin. His soldiers are called Kenafayim ? "v'Hayah Mutos Kenafav Melo Rechav Artzecha" (Yeshayah 8:8).


Radak: His soldiers. The same applies to "v'Chol Agafecha" (38:9).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: His camp. 5.


How was "Ezareh l'Chol Ru'ach v'Cherev Arik Achareihem" fulfilled?


Rashi: Yochanan ben Kare'ach and the army officers were exiled to Egypt. Nebuchadnetzar's sword caught them when he destroyed Egypt. Radak, Malbim ? the same applies to those who fled to other lands ? "v'Haysah ha'Cherev Asher Aten Yere'im Mimenah Sham Tasig Eschem" (Yirmeyah 42:16).

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