
What is the comparison to a lion in the forest?


Radak: When it roars in the forest and passersby hear its voice, they abandon the forest path or what is close to it. So I abandon my Nachalah, for it was like a forest lion roaring at night.


Malbim: She is like one who raised wild animals to domesticate them. He had a domesticated lion that he played with. However, when he passed with the lion on the forest road, it remember its former wild status, and roared against its master (a lion cannot be domesticated - Bava Kama 16b). I.e. in Egypt, Yisrael were wild, far from religion and Mitzvos. I (Hashem) made them domesticated and bearers of religion. When they came to the forest, i.e. among the nations, they returned to their previous nature.


Why does it say "Nasnah Alai b'Kolah"?


Rashi: The screams of [victims of] extortion came in front of Me.


Radak: It is the voice of [Yisrael] idolaters serving in their idolatry houses, like it says in the episode of Eliyahu with Achav "and they called in the name of the Ba'al from until the afternoon, saying 'Ba'al, answer us'; ... they cried in a loud voice" (Melachim I, 18:26, 28).


Ta'anis 16b: This is an improper Shali'ach Tzibur.


Why did Hashem hate her?


Radak: I grew weary of bearing her evil deeds.


Malbim: They put their voice against Hashem and His Nevi'im to kill them.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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