
What other matters of Yo'ash are written in Divrei ha'Yamim?


Radak (19), Malbim: They killed Zecharyah, Yehoyada's son via the king's command, for he rebuked them. The next year Aram came against Yerushalayim. They killed all the officers and many of the nation, and afflicted Yo'ash and left him with many maladies; his servants rebelled and killed him 1 . This was due to the sin of killing Zecharyah. Malbim - Yirmeyah, who wrote Sefer Melachim, did not mention this, for it was known in his days 2 . The blood of Zecharyah was boiling.


Radak (21): They struck him in war; his servants carried him in a bed to bring him to Yerushalayim, and on the way his servants killed him on his bed.


Yirmeyah wrote Melachim about 200 years later! Perhaps everyone who saw or heard about the blood boiling in the Mikdash asked about it, and heard the episode and its results. (PF)

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