What is "Beis Bamos"?
Radak: He made a house, and Bamos inside.
Why did he make Bamos?
What is "mi'Ketzos ha'Am"?
Radak: This is like "umi'Ketzei Echav" (Bereishis 47:2) - from the bigger, or from the lesser.
Radak citing Yerushalmi Avodah Zarah 1:1: It is from the Kotzim (thorns, i.e. the lowest people).
Why did he not make Kohanim from Bnei Levi?
Radak: They did not want to serve idolatry. Also at the Egel, "va'Ya'asfu Elav Kol Bnei Levi" (Shemos 32:26) - none of them served it. Shevet Levi never served idolatry (Yuma 66b) - "Ki Shamru Mitzvosecha u'Brischa Yintzoru" (Devarim 33:9). 1 Therefore Yaravam expelled them from their inheritance, and they went to Eretz Yehudah - "Azvu ha'Leviyim Es Migresheihem va'Achuzasam va'Yelchu li'Yhudah veli'Yrushalayim Ki Hiznicham Yaravam u'Vanav mi'Kahen la'Shem" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 11:14). Yaravam said, will they take Ma'aseros and their inheritance in my kingdom and go serve in Yerushalayim?! No! Since they do not serve in Beis Kel, they have no portion or inheritance in my kingdom.
Malbim: (a) He wanted the Avodah to be unlike Avodas ha'Mikdash, lest people easily return to the Mikdash (b) This exempted people from Terumos and Ma'aseros. (c) All the Kohanim returned to Yerushalayim, like it says in Divrei ha'Yamim II, 11:14. (d) He feared that if the Kohanim retain their importance, they will entice the nation to return to Yerushalayim.
Radak: It says (Melachim II, 23:9) "Lo Ya'alu Kohanei ha'Bamos" (they were disqualified from serving) - they offered on Bamos l'Shem Hashem. Alternatively, the Gemara means that Shevet Levi never served idolatry until Malchei Yehudah sinned and set up idolatry in Beis Hashem. Then, some Kohanim sinned and offered to idolatry in Beis Hashem, i.e. from Bnei Itamar, but not from Bnei Tzadok, who were from Elazar. They never offered to idolatry, like it says in Yechezkel (44:15).