
How did he contemplate his ways?


Rashi (from Vayikra Rabah 35:1): He considered the loss [due to fulfilling] a Mitzvah compared to its reward, and the 'gain' of a sin compared to its loss (Avos 2:1). Therefore, "I return my feet to Your Edos", for I saw that they are the best.


Radak: I considered the ways of the world, and I do not find a way as good as that of Your Edos.


What is the meaning of "va'Ashivah Raglai El Edosecha"?


Rashi: Refer to 119:59:1:1.


Radak: I veered from the ways of the world, and went in the ways of Your Edos.


Malbim: Nothing blocked me from Avodas Hashem. My essential needs did not; even when I contemplated my ways to seek my needs and food, I return my feet from those ways to Your Edos. He mentions Edos, for from them he learned that he does not need Hishtadlus (efforts) to seek his essentials. In the Midbar, Yisrael] found all their needs via Hashem, without Hishtadlus.

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