
What is the meaning of "Tzivisa Tzedek Edosecha"?


Radak: You did [amidst] great love with us, to command Your righteous Edos.


Malbim: Your Edos, which testify how You justifiably punish Resha'im and oversee Tzadikim [shows that You commanded Tzedek].


Why does it say "ve'Emunah Me'od"?


Malbim: All the Edos are built on Emunah. We must believe greatly that You are faithful to give to everyone the reward and punishment that he deserves, even though we see that temporarily the Rasha succeeds. 1


Malbim: "Chol Derachav Mishpat Kel Emunah... Tzadik v'Yashar Hu" (Devarim 32:4) - "Tzadik" refers to "Chol Derachav Mishpat", and "Yashar" corresponds to Kel Emunah. Also here, "Tzadik Atah v'Yashar Mishpatecha" (137) - Tzadik corresponds to "Tzivisa Tzedek Edosecha" (138), and Yashar corresponds to "ve'Emunah Me'od."

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