
Why does it say "mi'Kol Orach Ra"?


Malbim: Not only did I avoid a bad Derech (big path for the Rabim). Rather, I avoided even a bad small individual path, even a path near harlots, for which he could receive reward 1 , lest he transgress Hashem's word.


Avodah Zarah 17a: R. Chanina and R. Yonason were traveling. There were two paths in front of them. One of them suggested going on the path by the harlots, to receive reward for overcoming the Yetzer ha'Ra!


What is the meaning of "Kalisi Raglai"?


Rashi: I withheld. This is like "Asher Kelisini ha'Yom ha'Zeh mi'Bo v'Damim" (Shmuel I, 25:13).


Why does it say "Lema'an Eshmor Devarecha"?


Radak: I did not refrain from evil paths because I feared people, or lest evil come to me due to that act. Rather, it was in order to guard Your words. This is Avodah amidst love!

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