
What is the meaning of "He'emanti Ki Adaber"?


Rashi: I believed Tziva's words about Mefivoshes, when I said "Hinei Lecha Kol Asher l'Mefivoshes" (Shmuel II, 16:4). Then, "Anisi Me'od" - I spoke harshly and afflicted you 1 .


Radak: I had great Emunah when I spoke when I was poor and fleeing.


Malbim: I believe with all my heart what I say now. I was very afflicted when I said in my frenzy "Kol ha'Adam Kozev." I was at a very low level to despair so much. Now I see that there is hope, there is reward, and man is not Kozev.


Does David speak to Mefivoshes? If he realized his mistake, why did he not retract giving half the field to Tziva? (PF)

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