
What is "Teref"?


Rashi: It is food. Malbim - His wonders with our ancestors were in order to give to them Eretz Kena'an, where they will find their food in abundance, and can engage in Torah. It is called Teref, the word used for a lion, which tears animals smaller that itself. So Yisrael's food was via consuming [the property of] the [Kena'ani] nations - "v'Achalta Es Kol ha'Amim Asher Hashem Elokecha Nosen Lach" (Devarim 7:16). Just like vegetation is food for animals, and animals are food for people, so idolaters are food for those who ascended to a level above them.


Radak: He gave to Yisrael Egypt's money - "va'Ynatzlu Es Egypt" (Shemos 12:36).


What is the meaning of "Yizkor l'Olam Briso"?


Radak: He remembered for a long time His Bris with Avraham Bein ha'Besarim. He said "v'Acharei Chen Yetz'u bi'Rchush Gadol" (Bereishis 15:14).


Malbim: This was the Bris to the Avos, to give to them Eretz Yisrael, like it says at the end of the coming verse.

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