
Seeing as the Torah goes on to define the borders of Eretz Yisrael, why does it need to insert the words "Kol ha'Makom asher Tidroch Kaf Raglechem ... "?


Rashi (in Yehoshua, 1:3): It means that after you conquer all of Eretz Yisrael, any place that you capture in Chutz la'Aretz, will become sanctified and belong to you.


Ramban: The Torah is issuing here two promises 1. Any land that you conquer in the lands of Shin'ar (Bavel) or Ashur will belong to you 1 and 2. All the territories specified here will be your borders.


Rashbam: 'Wherever you fight the seven nations, their land will become yours'.


Ramban: And it will adopt all the Dinim of Eretz Yisrael - provided you conquer Eretz Cana'an first - See Ramban DH 'u'mi'Ka'an'.


Which the borders are the Torah describing here?


Rashi (in Yehoshua, 1:4): Kadesh in Midbar Tzin, 1 which was situated on the south-eastern tip of Eretz Cana'an, where Yisrael were currently encamped, and from where they entered Eretz Cana'an, to the Meditaranean Sea in the west. 2


Ramban and Rashbam: "Midbar", where Yisrael were curently encamped, is the southern border, "N'har P'ras", the northern border, the eastern border and "Yam ha'Acharon" 3 - the Mediterranean Sea - the western border.


Oznayim la'Torah: "Midbar" is the southern border, "Levanon", the northern border, "N'har P'ras", the eastern border (as marked in modern maps) and "Yam ha'Acharon" - the Mediterranean Sea - the western border.


See Chukas Bamidbar, 20:16. (This requires investigation however, seeing as the Torah writes there that they were on the border of Edom, and asked to pass through the land to get to Eretz Yisrael! Moreover, Yisrael passed by Edom and Mo'av, and conquered Sichon and Og, from where they entered Eretz Yisrael ? PF)


Rashi does not comment on ?ha?Levanon? or on ?min ha?Nahar N?har P?ras?.


Rashbam: Seeing as they were currently on the south eastern tip of Eretz Cana'an, the Mediterranean Sea was at the back of Eretz Yisrael. Refer also to Shemos, 23:31:1:1.


What is "Levanon" referrimg to?


Targum Onkelos: It refers to Lebanon.


Targum Yonasan: It refers to the mountain on which the Beis-Hamikdash was built. 1


Rashi said this earlier in 3:25, only there Moshe listed what he wanted to see in Eretz Yisrael. Here, where the Pasuk is discussing the borders of Eretz Yisrael, Rashi could hold that it refers to Lebanon like Targum Onkelos (PF).

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