
What are the implications of "Lema'an Yirbu Yemeichem ... "?


Rashi: With reference to Pasuk 19 ("Velimadtem osam ... ") 1 it implies that if you do not learn Torah and teach it to your children, you will not live long in the land ... . 2


Ramban #1: It comes to teach us that, although one is obligated to observe the Mitzvos even in Chutz la'Aretz when we are in Galus, the main Mitzvah is to observe them in Eretz Yisrael.


Ramban #2: It is coming to inform us that we will return from Galus and remain forever in Eretz Yisrael.


Berachos 8a: It implies that long life is confined to Eretz Yisrael. Consequently, when they told R. Yochanan there are old people in Bavel, he could not understand how it was possible, until he heard that they come early to Shul and stay late at night. 3


Rashi in Shabbos, 33b.


Rashi: Because the Torah is explained by implication - positive from negative and negative from positive.


Kol Eliyahu: In spite of the fact that, when all's said and done, the Pasuk writes "Al ha'Adamah" - because he knew that in the future, all the Batei Kenesiyos of Bavel would be transferred to Eretz Yisrael, as the Gemara states in Megilah 29a, in which case it was considered as if they were in Eretz Yisrael. See also Torah Temimah, note 60.


Bearing in mind the Pasuk in Yehoshua 24: "ve'Chol Yemei ha'Zekenim asher He'erichu Yamim Acharei Yehoshua", which Chazal interpret to mean days but not years, what are the implications of "Lema'an Yirbu Yemeichem ... "?


Shabbos, 105b: Even though, in other contexts, "Yamim is confined to days, 1 when it appears in the form of a Berachah - as it does here, it incorporates years.


See Torah Temimah, citing Shabbos and note 54.


What are the ramifiations of the juxtaposition of "Lema'an Yirbu Yemeichem" to Mezuzah?


Kidushin, 34a: It teaches us that women - who need long life no less than men, 1 are subject to the Mitzvah of Mezuzah, from which they would otherwise be Patur, due to the fact that the Torah compares Mezuzah - here - to Talmud Torah, from which women are Patur.


Shabbos, 32b: It teaches us that one's young children die due to one's failure to keep the Mitzvah of Mezuzah 2 - and some add also due to the sin of Bitul Torah, which immediately precedes Mezuzah.


Rashi (in Shabbos, 33b): In fact, it also refers to the previou Pasuk "Velimadtem osam es Beneichem" - to teach us that they will also live long in Eretz Yisrael on the merit of learning Torah.


Otherwise, we would compare Mezuzah to Talmud Torah, from which women are Patur. See Torah Temimah, citing Kidushin, 54a and note 55.


See Torah Temimah, note 57.


Having precluded daughters from "Velimadtem osam es Beneichem", does "vi?Yemei Veneichem" also preclude daughters?


Bava Basra, 110b: The Torah writes ?Lema?an Yirbu" to incorporate daughters. 1


A Lashon of inclusion (Torah Temimah).


Seeing as the Avos are no longer alive, why does the Torah write "la'Avoseichem Laseis Lahem"?


Sanhedrin, 90b: This is one of the locations where the Torah hints at Techiyas ha'Meisim. 1


See Torah Temimah, in 8:1, citing Sanhedrin, 99a


Seeing as the Torah writes ?Lema?an Yirbu Yemeichem ? al ha?Adamah ? ?, how come that there are old men in Chutz la?Aretz?


B?rachos, 8a: Because they go to Shul early in the morning to Daven Shachris and in the evening to Daven Ma?ariv (and Batei Kenesiyos are considered like Eretz Yisrael ? See B?rachos, ibid.). 1


See Torah Temimah, citing B?rachos, ibid. and note 60, where he elaborates. Perhaps we can attribute the fact that there are old men in Chutz la?Aretz who do not go to Shul every morning and evening to the fact that the Torah is referring to people whose main reward is in the world to come, but not to Resha?im who receive all their reward in this world.


What is the meaning of "ki'Yemei ha'Shamayim al ha'Aretz"?


Ramban: It either means 'for all generations' 1 or it refers to 'the original heaven and earth at the time of the creation and the days of the world'. 2


Rashbam: It means that the rain will descend from the Heaven and the earth will produce its fruit.


Lev Eliyahu (Shemos p.92): Through the Mitzvos, you will have great days like in heaven - purely spiritual, while living on the earth.


Sanhedrin, 99a: It teaches us that the era of Mashi'ach will last the equilavent time to the world from the creation until he comes. 3


And even if they are exiled from it, they are destined to return - R. Bachye. See Oznayim la'Torah


See Ramban in Vayikra 25:2 - See also R. Chavel's notes.


See also Torah Temimah, citing

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