
What is the significance of clouds being full of rain?


Rashi: If you see this, know that in the end they will send their rain on the ground, in a place where good sprouts.


Ibn Ezra: This is a Mashal for wealth. It is given to an Ashir only to do good to all who need it.


Rid: If punishment will come on the world, it will be on people. Therefore, do not despair from punishment, and say 'I will never need [help from] people.'


Seforno (2-3): A bad king can succeed, in order to ruin the country. Similarly, clouds send their rain even in a place where it will harm.


Metzudas David: Clouds do not hold rain for themselves, rather, to pour it on the ground. This is like above; it is proper to give gifts to others, just like clouds do not hold rain for themselves, rather, to pour it on the ground. This causes the ground to send up vapors, and [the clouds] become full of rain again. So one who is full of wealth should not keep it for himself, rather, he should give to others. Then, when he needs, others will give to him.


What is the meaning of "Yariku"?


Metzudas Tziyon: They will pour. This is like "Shemen Turak Shemecha" (Shir ha'Shirim 1:3).


What is the meaning of "Yehu"?


Ibn Ezra #1: "Yehu" is plural; the Aleph is extra, like in "he'Halchu Ito" (Yehoshua 10:24). The primary form is Yehi. We do not find like this elsewhere in Tanach.


Ibn Ezra #2, Rashbam, Metzudas Tziyon #2: This is like Hu, with a Yud at the beginning for future. It is singular.


Rid, Metzudas Tziyon: It is like Yihyeh.


What do we learn from "v'Im Yipol Etz ba'Darom v'Im ba'Tzafon"?


Ibn Ezra #1: Wherever the fruits fall, in the north or in the south, there the gatherers will be. This refers to wealth.


Ibn Ezra #2, Metzudas David: It truly refers to a tree 1 . When a tree gives fruits, people water it and work is intact . When it falls, they know that it will not give more fruits, so they abandon it where it fell. Metzudas David - similarly, one who did not give to others, when he needs others, they will not turn to him.


Ibn Ezra #3: Some say that Etz is like Etzah 2 (counsel).


Rid: If it leans to the south


Ibn Ezra: The first half of our verse corresponds to the first half of verse 2, and the second half corresponds to the second half of verse 2. Magihah (in Toras Chayim) - the first halves discuss generosity to those who needs it. The second halves refer to not knowing evil that will occur..


Ibn Ezra: The one who said so did not eat from Etz ha'Da'as (he has no Da'as).


What do we learn from "Mekom she'Yipol ha'Etz Sham Yehu"?


Avodah Zarah 31a: After a Tzadik dies, the people of his area perpetuate his teachings.


Rashi: If a Chacham and Tzadik dwells in a city or country, after his death, his Chachmah and refined Midos are seen, There will be good payment to the area's residents for the good conduct and straight path in which he guided them. Yipol is to dwell, like "Al Pnei Kol Echav Nafal" (Bereishis 25:18). Etz is a Chacham, who protects like a tree that covers the land.


Rashbam: Just like the tree will be where it falls, so it is impossible that you will not benefit from those to whom you gave.


Rid: Whichever direction it leans to, there it will be. This is a Mashal - one whom Hashem decreed that he will be rich, he will be rich. It cannot be that he will not 1 . Perhaps today or tomorrow your colleague will become rich, and you will need him. Therefore, [beforehand] give to him from yours, and benefit him.


A person can make his money Hefker, or squander it! Rid means that if it was decreed, wealth must come to him; indeed, he can rid himself of it. (PF)

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