
Why does the Torah mention Yetzi'as Mitzrayim in connection with the Ma'achalos Asuros?


Rashi #1: To teach us that keeping the Mitzvos was a precondition of Hashem taking us out of Egypt.


Rashi #2: Refer to 11:45:2:1.


Seforno: Because Hashem took us out of Egypt so that we should sanctify ourselves and thereby earn His Goodwill - that He should be our G-d without an intermediary, and that we should be holy and eternal by imitating Him in personality-traits and in knowledge - since He is Holy.


Bava Metzi'a, 61b: To teach us that just as Hashem distinguished in Egypt between an Egyptian who was a B'chor and one who wasn't, 1 so too, will He punish those who mix the innards of Tamei fish with the innards of Tahor fish and sell it to a Yisrael.


See Torah Temimah, note 205.


Why does the Torah use the term "ha'Ma'aleh eschem", and not 'ha'Motzi eschem'?


Rashi: It implies that if Hashem had taken us out of Egypt only so that we should not contaminate ourselves by eating vermin like the other nations it would have sufficed - because that raises us to a higher level.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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