
Why does the Torah insert the word "le'Miyno" or "le'Miyneihu" four times in this Pasuk?


Chulin, 65a: To include four species, each one of which is slightly similar to one of the four listed species ? 'Tzipores Keramim', is a species of Arbeh that has no back; 'Yuchna' is a species of Sal'am that has a back; 'Artzuvya' is a species of Chargol that has a tail wheresas ''Razvanis' is a species of Chagav. 1


The Living Torah translates the four species of locusts as ''red locust', 'yellow locust', 'spotted grey locust' and white locust', respectiveely.


Does the fact that the Torah forbids Sheretz ha'Of here only with an Asei mean that it is not subject to Malkos?


Ramban: Even though here the Torah inserts only an Asei, the Pasuk in Re'ei Devarim, 14:19 adds a Lo Sa'aseh.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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