
What hope is lost when a Rasha dies?


Rashi: The hope of all who trust in him.


R. Yonah: His hope is success in this world, in wealth and power. It perishes when he dies. The verse demeans the Rasha, lest people envy his success in this world.


What is the meaning of "v'Socheles Onim Avadah"?


Rashi: The hope of his sons, who are Ono 1 , is lost. No good will come to them in his merit. However, when Tzadikim die, their sons have security in their virtue.


R. Yonah #1: The hope of Anshei Onim (swindlers) is lost. We find Aven in the plural also elsewhere - "Te'unim Hel'as" (Yechezkel 24:12). Onim refers to Anshei Onim; [the word Anshei is omitted, just like sometimes Ish is omitted - "Fi Rasha u'Fi Mirmah", "va'Ani Sefilah" (Tehilim 109:2, 4).


R. Yonah #2: The hope of all who trusted in the Rasha and his strength, and made him their arm (power), is lost - "ba'Yom ha'Hu Avdu Eshtonosav" (Tehilim 146:4), the intents of those who trusted "b'Ven Adam she'Ein Lo Seshu'ah" (ibid. 3).


Malbim: Tocheles applies to something that will surely come, e.g. light of day, or a promise. Tikvah applies to something that is not clear. Resha'im do not have Tocheles, only Tikvah - "Tikvas Resha'im Evrah" (23). They are not Meyachel for the reward hidden for Tzadikim, just they are Mekaveh for success of the time, which is not clear. When he dies, this hope is lost, and the Tocheles of Onim (his sons, who are Mis'onen (mourn) due to his death. They were sure that they will inherit their father; also this is lost. Zarim will inherit his wealth.


R. Yonah: This is like "Reishis Ono" (Devarim 21:17).

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