
What do we learn from "Yad l'Yad Lo Yinakeh Ra"?


Brachos 61a: If one counts out coins to a woman in order to look at her, even if he has Torah and Mitzvos like Moshe, he will not be spared from Gehinom.


Rashi: The payment for his deeds will come from Hashem's hand to his. He will not be cleansed (exempted) from the evil that he did.


R. Yonah: Yad is Chelek (a portion), like "Chamesh Yados" (Bereishis 43:34), "Eser Yados" (Shmuel II, 15:44). Gemul is called Chelek - "Zeh Chelek Shoseinu", 'v'Yado Chilekatah Lahem" (Yeshayah 17:14, 34:17). Also man's choice is called Chelek - "v'Chelkei Nachal Chelkech" (ibid., 57:6). When Hashem gives to creations according to their deeds, He judges them for their choice. One who chose evil, they will not overlook his sins, nor redeem him from his sins - "v'Ish Mezimos Yarshi'a" (below, 12:2).


Malbim: Hashem's punishments will catch the evil via Hashgachah Pratis. Hashem Himself will punish him with His hand, and not via a Shali'ach. Sometimes Sheluchim of nature are intermediaries between the giver and receiver. If so, sometimes he is not punished, e.g. if he is succeeding and his Mazal stands for him.


Why are the seed of Tzadikim saved?


R. Yonah: The Tzadik saves not only himself, rather, also his seed is saved due to his virtue; Hashem goes beyond the letter of the law for them.


Malbim: Evil could befall seed of Tzadikim who did not sin, e.g. Achan sinned and there was anger against the entire congregation of Yisrael, and the one sinner did not die, for the punishment was via Hester Panim. If it comes mi'Yad Hashem l'Yad ha'Ra, Lo Yinakeh Ra (the sinner will not escape punishment). Also Tzadikim's seed will be spared. This does not apply when the punishment is via a Shali'ach - when the destroyer is authorized 1 , he does not distinguish between Tzadikim and Resha'im (60a). When the punishment is via Hashgachah, even the Tzadik's seed are saved - "va'Yizkor Elokim Es Avraham va'Yshalach Es Lot 2 mi'Toch ha'Hafechah" (Bereishis 19:29).


This was said about Makas Bechoros, a time of mass destruction. Malbim implies that it applies when the Mashchis (the angel of death) is authorized. Is he not authorized every day to kill individuals?! (PF)


Lot was Avraham's nephew. All the more so, a Tzadik's seed will be saved! (PF)

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