
Why does it say "Rasha Ose Pe'ukas Shaker"?


Rashi: His act lies to him. He thinks that his success will last, and [really] all will be lost.


R. Yonah: A Rasha's act in this world is for naught. Sheker is like "Ach la'Sheker Shamarti" (Shmuel I, 25:21). All that he gathers money is for bodily pleasure or to be honored. His toil is for a vain intent, for his end is worms. When he dies, all his intents are lost.


Malbim: Engaging in a matter and preparing means for it, this is called Pe'ulah. If he finishes it, it is called Ma'aseh. The Rasha is Oseh, i.e. he thinks that he finishes his deed. E.g. he gathers wealth, builds a house and plants a vineyard with oppression and theft, which are finished deeds. Really, all imagined acquisitions are not ends (goals) to themselves. They are only Pe'ulos, i.e. means to an end. If you will say that they are in order to live a life of success - what is the purpose of life? Also temporary life is not itself an end! Therefore, based on the purpose, the Pe'ulos are Sheker, for he will not get the desired goal. This is like one who seeds, and he will not get flour.


What is the meaning of "v'Zore'a Tzedakah Secher Emes"?


Rashi: One who seeds Tzedakah, this is an act of Emes. Surely he is assured that he will receive [the reward of] his act in the end. Secher is like one who dams a spring, in order to catch fish. He is sure to find many fish there. This is like "Kol Osei Secher Agmei Nafesh" (Yeshayah 19:10).


R. Yonah: Doing Tzedakah is compared to seeding. The yield is many times the amount that he seeded. It is not like seeding grain, for sometimes Shidafon and Yerakon (parched by the east-wind, and dried and turned straw-yellow - Rashi Devarim 28:22) come [and ruin it]. Rather, it is Ne'eman Ru'ach, which will not be false - "Zir'u Lachem li'Tzdakah Kitzru l'Fi Chesed" (Hoshe'a 10:12). One eats the Peros of Tzedakah in this world, and the principal is intact for the world to come 1 . Secher is [wage,] like "Sechar ha'Adam Lo Nihyah" (Zecharyah 8:10), just the vowels are different 2 .


Malbim: Zore'a Tzedakah is Oseh Tzedakah; it is good in front of Hashem. It appears like he only seeds (an incomplete act), for the purpose is not seen at the time of the act. He is like one who seeds, in order to reap much later. He will reap true wages.


Refer to 11:4:3:1*.


R. Yonah: Likewise, "bi'Shfal Kol ha'Tachanah" and "ba'Shefel Yeshevu" (Koheles 12:4, 10:6 are the same, just the vowels are different).

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