What is the meaning of "Heilel Berosh Ki Nafal Erez"?
Rashi: Erez (cedar) is bigger than Berosh (pine). The rulers should wail, for the Nochri kings fell.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: The kings should wail?
Malbim: Berosh is a kind of cedar, but less than it. It should wail, for the cedar bigger than itself, it fell.
Which mighty ones were plundered?
Malbim: The king, the second to the king, and those who see his face.
What are "Alonei Vashan"?
Rashi: They are oak trees [of Bashan]. Radak ? they are less than Berosh and cedar.
Malbim: These are the officers.
What do we learn from "Ki Yarad Ya'ar ha'Batzir"?
Rashi: The fortified forest was broken. Yarad is like "u'Varad b'Redes ha'Ya'ar" (Yeshayah 32:19). Radak #1 - ha'Batzir is like "Arim Betzuros" (Devarim 3:8).
Radak #2: Ha'Batzir is like "v'Hisig Lachem Dayish Es Batzir" (Vayikra 26:5). They are compared to forest trees, and they are put Samuch to Batzir because they make fruits. I.e. they were rich and great with much property and flocks.
Malbim: The Giborim fell.