
Why did He say to cast it to the Yotzer?


Rashi, Targum Yonasan: This is like El ha'Otzar 1 (storehouse) ? it means, to the guard of the Otzar. Hashem told the Navi, write and leave these and their virtue to be guarded for the end of the 70 years of Galus Bavel, and Bayis Sheni will be built via them.


Radak: This is a Mashal. They should isolate themselves in Beis Hashem and separate from the evildoers. Yotzer is like "ha'Yotzer Yachad Libam u'Mevin?" (Tehilim 33:15). Hashem knows the good and bad [people] - "Choker Lev Bochen Kelayos" (Yirmeyah 17:10). Some portray themselves to be good, but they are not good!


Radak (14, citing his father): Write this Nevu'ah, and put it in Beis Hashem.


Radak (14): Yotzer is the Kahal, like "Yotzer Govai" (Amos 7:1).


Malbim: This is a Mashal. Hashem commanded him to take the Kesef and cast it to the craftsman who forms coins. These are 30 Tzadikim who were killed for Kidush Hashem. Their form will be engraved in front of Kisei ha'Kavod.


Radak: Aleph, Hei, Vov and Yud are interchangeable.


What is "Eder ha'Ykar"?


Rashi: The Beis ha'Mikdash ? the strength of My glory. This is the Otzar! Radak ? it is as if it says El ha'Yotzer El Eder ha'Ykar; this clarifies what is ha'Yotzer. The word "El" applies to both of them.


Malbim: From these souls killed for Kidush Hashem, Hashem will make a dear Aderes (cloak) for Himself, and wear it.


Why does it say "[Eder ha'Ykar] Asher Yakarti me'Aleihem"?


Rashi: I stripped them from being honor for them. Yakarti is an expression of removing honor. The prefix Mem in me'Aleihem proves this. This is like "v'Shereshcha me'Eretz Chayai" (Tehilim 52:7), "Mesa'ef Purah" (Yeshayah 10:33). What I explained is close to Targum Yonasan.


Radak: I was honored by Myself, and veered from them due to their evil deeds. This is like Targum Yonasan 1 .


Radak (14): I remove the glorious honor from them ? the Shechinah did not dwell in Bayis Sheni. This is like "Hokar Raglecha" (Mishlei 25:17).


Malbim: I took this honor (the 30 Tzadikim killed for Kidush Hashem) from them ? "Yakar b'Einei Hashem ha'Mavsah la'Chasidav" (Tehilim 116:15).


Perhaps Radak had a different text of Yonason. I do not see how our text refers to this. (PF)


What do we learn from "va'Ekchah Sheloshim ha'Kesef va'Ashlich Oso Beis Hashem"?


Rashi (12, citing Chulin 92a): The world stands on 45 Tzadikim - "Chomer (30 Sa'im) v'Lesech (15 Sa'im)" teaches that 30 are in one place (Bavel or Eretz Yisrael), and 15 are in the other. Our verse teaches that the 30 are in Eretz Yisrael.


Radak: So he saw in a prophetic vision ? He cast the money to the Yotzer. However, this was many years ago, in the days of the three shepherds 1 . This is a Mashal that the good will isolate themselves and separate from the nation. They were not seen with them in the streets. So Yirmeyahu said "Shotetu b'Chutzos Yerushalayim? u'Vakshu vi'Rchovoseha Im Yesh Oseh Mishpat Mevakesh Emunah v'Eslach Lah" (5:1).


Malbim: In their merit (the 30 Tzadikim killed for Kidush Hashem), the Bayis was not destroyed in the days of Antiyochas.


Radak (8) explained that they were Bnei Yoshiyah ? it was at the time of the Churban. (PF)

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