
What is the significance of taking the staff No'am?


Rashi: I broke the strength of Malchei Yisrael in the days of Yeho'achaz ben Yehu, until "Ibedam Melech Aram va'Ysimem ke'Afar Ladush" (Melachim II, 13:7), and in the days of Hoshe'a ben Elah I handed them over to Sancheriv, and he exiled them (Melachim II, Perek 17).


Radak: I already took it. This is Yoshiyah; there was not a good king after him. Therefore I removed him, so the nations will rule over Yisrael, for Yisrael kept Hashem's way only via compulsion of the king.


Radak (14, citing his father): This is the Kohen Gadol. It says "Ki Sifsei Chohen Yishemru Da'as" (Mal'achi 2:7), and it says "v'Da'as l'Nafshecha Yin'am" (Mishlei 2:10).


Radak (14 citing R. Avraham ha'Levi): This is the death of Zerubavel and Nechemyah. The love was cut off, and the Bris with Malchei Paras was annulled.


How will He cut the staff?


Radak: I removed (Yoshiyah) via Pharaoh Necho.


Radak (14, citing his father): Shortly before their Galus, their Kehunah was lost.


Refer to 11:10:1:3.


Malbim: I annulled the Bris ? from then, the nations began to pain them, eradicate them and decree against Mitzvos.


What do we learn from "Lehafer Es Brisi Asher Karati Es Kol ha'Amim"?


Rashi: This is to show them that because they were disloyal to Me, I annulled My Bris with all the nations, that the nations not harm Yisrael. I gave to Yisrael the Torah on condition that they guard it ? then, they will be free from the kingdoms; no nation will rule over them. Do not be astounded that salvation from haters is called a "Bris" with the haters. We find like this ? "v'Karati Lahem Bris ba'Yom ha'Hu Im Chayas ha'Sadeh?" (Hoshe'a 2:20). Radak ? the nations did not harm Yisrael in the days of Yoshiyah. Also Pharaoh Necho sent to him that he will not fight him!

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