
What is the meaning of "Pesach Levanon Delasecha"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Nations, open your gates! Radak ? i.e. this refers to what was discussed above ? the fall of the Bavliyim.


Rashi (3, citing Yuma 39b): This is a Nevu'ah about Churban Bayis Sheni. Forty years before the Churban, the doors of the Heichal opened by themselves. R. Yochanan ben Zakai rebuked them. Heichal ? why do you befuddle yourself (i.e. Yisrael)? I know that you will be destroyed, and Zecharyah already prophesized about you?!


Radak, from Ibn Ezra: This refers to the Bitul of Malchus Chashmona'i.


Malbim: After prophesizing about the future redemption, he saw a vision of what will happen in Bayis Sheni. From this he understood that it is not the future Ge'ulah. First he saw that this Bayis will be destroyed. He told the Mikdash 'you, Levanon, open your doors for Romi's troops to enter, "v'Sochal Esh ba'Arazecha" to burn the Bayis.

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