
What is the meaning of "v'Ami Selu'im li'Meshuvasi"?


Rashi: When the Nevi'im teach them to return to Me, they are unsure whether or not to do so 1 .


Radak: The Aleph in Selu'im is in place of a Hei the last letter of the root. This is like "v'Hayu Chayecha Telu'im Lecha" (Devarim 28:66). My nation was suspended between affliction and relief. Sometimes affliction comes, and sometimes relief. This is due to the backsliding and rebellion that they do to Me. The Yud in Meshuvasi is like the Yud at the end of "v'Simachtim b'Veis Tefilasi 2 " (Yeshayah 56:7). If they would not rebel they would always have relief!


Radak citing his father: They are unsure about My Mitzvos. This is like Chazal [called the Korban for one who is unsure whether or not he transgressed] 'Asham Taluy.' They were unsure about My Mitzvos, even though they knew clearly. They do so to rebel against Me.


Malbim: The Navi depicts how Melech Ashur conquered Shomron and wants to destroy everyone. Hashem veered from them and ascends to His place in Shamayim. He still did not distance totally; He is between the land and Shamayim. He wants to distance from them to high places due to their sins. He also wants not to distance due to His Midah of mercy and Chesed. At a time of affliction, Yisrael's eyes are lifted to Hashem. They look for Him to return to them and save them.


Radak: Also Yonason translates Meshuvasi to refer to Teshuvah. We find this only for reproach!


The house in which they pray to Me. Also here, they rebel against Me. (PF)


Why does it say "v'El Al Yikra'uhu Yachad Lo Yeromem"?


Rashi #1: The matter that the Nevi'im call about it together (Teshuvah), My nation does not elevate it. They do not considered it proper.


Rashi #2: Some say that harsh mishaps will occur to them. "V'El" is like "Yesh l'El Yadi 1 " (Bereishis 31:29).


Targum Yonasan: Hard work will call. They will not go together as one, with an upright stature. Rashi - he considers El (some texts - Al) to be an expression of hard. I say that I explained correctly (refer to 11:7:2:1).


Radak: The Nevi'im constantly call them to repent to Kel Elyon. All together, there is not one who returns to Hashem and elevates and aggrandizes Him.


Ibn Ezra: All are on one way. They do not lift the head. Radak - this is like the Targum.


Radak citing his father: Yeromem is like Yeromam. Not one of them rises to a level that he plans to rise to.


Malbim: Yisrael hope to Hashem to return to them and save them - or at least they request that He not elevate His Shechinah and distance totally from them - "Elech Ashuvah El Mekomi Ad Asher Yeshemu u'Vikshu Panai" (5:15). At the time of the affliction, Hashem wants to return to His place; they seek His face that He not distance from them, and be prepared to save them.


Rashi: This is wrong. V'El has a Patach [under the Aleph; we call it Segol - PF]. If it were a noun, it would have a Tzeirei.

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