
Why does it say "v'Chalah Cherev b'Arav"?


Rashi: The sword will rest in its cities. Radak - this is like "Yacholu Al Rosh Yo'av" (Shmuel II, 3:29).


Radak: They did not heed My counsel, and counseled to send Sheluchim to Melech Egypt. Via this, Melech Ashur came against them and exiled them.


What is the meaning of "v'Chilesah Vadav v'Achalah"?


Rashi: [The sword] will eradicate its Giborim, and consume them.


Radak: Vadav are its branches. It is a Mashal for the villages. It already mentioned the cities; villages to cities are like branches to a tree. They are called also Bnos, for they are like daughters to a mother.


What do we learn from "mi'Mo'atzoseihem"?


Rashi: It is read with two notes [and it is the only word after the Asnachta], for it is a full thought 1 . The same applies to "Lo Yitamei Ba'al b'Amav Lehechalo" (Vayikra 21:4). Radak - all this will come to them via their bad counsel. They abandoned My Avodah to serve other gods.


Malbim: I am not liable for the matter (that they were exiled). It is due to their counsel (to send to Melech Egypt). They did not heed My counsel!


An Asnachta is like a semicolon; it separates the two sentences in a verse. (PF)

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