Why did He say "Achecha Achecha [Anshei Ge'ulasecha]"?
Rashi: This refers to Galus Shomron (the 10 tribes) and Galus Yechanyah, and all Beis Yisrael who were exiled.
Radak: These refer to the exiles of (a) Bnei Gad and Bnei Reuven, (b) Shomron, and (c) Galus Yechanyah. "V'Chol Beis Yisrael" includes all of them.
Malbim: The remnant of Yisrael will not come from Anshei Yerushalayim. They will be eradicated, "ka'Te'enim ha'Sho'arim" (Yirmeyah 29:17). The remnant will be from those exiled to Bavel with Yechanyah. This is like Hashem showed to Yirmeyah (Perek 24) two pots (or baskets) of figs. Your brothers exiled in Bavel, their ways are good. About them you prophesized that they will be redeemed. Also the other Shevatim exiled earlier via Sancheriv, they will be part of the remnant of Yisrael. Even though they will not return in Bayis Sheni, they will return at the time of the Ketz (of Mashi'ach).
To whom did Yoshevei Yerushalayim say this?
Rashi: They said this about those who were exiled.
What is the point of saying "Rachaku me'Al Hashem?"?
Rashi: They mocked them.
Radak: Hashem distanced you from the Kadosh land. We will inherit the land, and not you. This is put next to "Benos Batim Hi ha'Sir?" (3), for Anshei Yerushalayim thought that they will remain there forever. Rachaku is a command; the first letter of the root has a Patach, like "v'Shachatu ha'Pasach" (Shemos 12:21).
Malbim: Anshei Yerushalayim said that those tribes were distanced from Hashem, since they are in a foreign land; they will not return from Galus. We alone will inherit the land; their hope is lost. Hashem refutes this in two ways.
Why does it say "Hi Nitenah ha'Aretz"?
Radak: The pronoun precedes the noun. This is like "va'Tir'ehu Es ha'Yeled" (Shemos 2:6) and similar verses.