
Were our fathers foolish in Egypt?


Radak: No. "B'Mitzrayim" means when they left Egypt.


Malbim: Yes. Refer to 106:7:2:2.


What is the meaning of "Lo Hiskilu Nifle'osecha"?


Radak: They did not remember the wonders that You did in Egypt, and did not grasp that the One who did all these wonders for them in Egypt will save them from the Egyptians when they chased Yisrael afterwards. They said "were there no graves in Egypt [so you took us to die in the Midbar]?!" (Shemos 14:11).


Malbim: They should have realized Hashem's grandeur and ability from his wonders in the eyes of Pharaoh and all of Egypt 1 , and to serve Him amidst awe of his grandeur. They were unsure about His wonders, and did not have complete Emunah. They thought that it was via witchcraft and schemes.


Why did Malbim write 'in the eyes of Pharaoh and all of Egypt'? Perhaps he means that they were the experts in witchcraft, and they admitted "Eztba Elokim Hi" (Shemos 8:15). (PF)


What are "Rov Chasadecha"?


Radak: The Chasadim and wonders that You did with them when you took them from the house of slavery with a strong hand. Also, in Makos You distinguished between them and Egypt. The Makah was sent in the entire land, and [Yisrael] were separate from it. The hail was in all the land, but in Eretz Goshen, where Bnei Yisrael were, there was no hail (Shemos 9:26). Dever was sent on the animals - "ume'Mikneh Bnei Yisrael Lo Mes Echad" (ibid., 9:6). In darkness, the air was thick, "ul'Chol Bnei Yisrael Hayah Ohr" (ibid., 10:23). Also regarding Arov it says "v'Samti Fedus Bein Ami u'Vein Amecha" (ibid., 8:19), and also in the other Makos, even though it is not written.


What should they have done due to remembering His great Chesed?


Malbim: They should have served Him, if not amidst awe of His grandeur, amidst Hakaras ha'Tov and fear of punishment. They did not - "Ish Shikutzei Einav Hashlichu;


What do we learn from "va'Yamru Al Yam"?


Rashi (from Pesachim 118b): Yisrael had little Emunah. They said, just like we came up from the sea, the Egyptians will come up from another side and chase after us, until Hashem hinted to the sea and it spit the Egyptians onto the dry land. Then, "va'Yar Yisrael Es Mitzrayim Mes Al Sefas ha'Yam


Radak: The Midrash is astounding. "Va'Yasem Es ha'Yam le'Charavah" (Shemos 14:21)! "Va'Yolichem ba'Tehomos ba'Midbar" (below, verse 9) teaches that there was no mud; it was dry like a Midbar! (Perhaps it was dry for Tzadikim, and mud for Resha'im, just like Resha'im needed to toil much for the manna, but Tzadikim did not - PF.)


Why does it add "b'Yam Suf"?


Malbim: Also in the sea they rebelled; Pesel Michah 1 passed with them in the sea (Sanhedrin 103b).


Refer to Shemos 14:29:2:2**.

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