
Is "Tiftach Yadecha Yisbe'un Tov" the same as "Titen Lahem Yilkotun"?


Radak: Yes, it is repeated in different words.


Radak citing his father: No. "Yilkotun" is at a time of famine; they gather a little here and a little here. "Tiftach Yadecha Yisbe'un Tov" is at a time of satiation.


Malbim: No. There are three levels. "Titen Lahem Yilkotun" is giving the minimum that is absolutely necessary, like one who gathers crumbs little by little. "Tiftach Yadecha Yisbe'un Tov" is with great abundance with an open hand; they are satiated, and there is left over. Also refer to 104:29:1:2.

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