
How did Hashem not do to us like our sins?


Radak: According to our sins, we deserved to be eradicated, and not only Galus.


Is "v'Lo cha'Avonoseinu Gamal Aleinu" the same as the beginning of the verse?


Radak: Yes. The matter is repeated in different words.


Malbim: No. Chet is b'Shogeg, or amidst desire. Avon is via crooked intellect - he denies a Mitzvah or the One who commanded it. Also Gamal is unlike Asah. Gemul is according to arousal of love or hate. It does not apply to Chet, for he was forced via desire 1 or forgetting. And even for Avon, which was to anger Hashem without any remorse, He was not Gomel (punish based on hatred). This explains "Erech Apayim" (verse 8).


This is difficult. Even if he desired, he should have overcome his desire. He can be lashed or killed for sinning due to desire! (PF)

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