
What is the significance of "Hashem Hu Elokim"?


Radak: He can [overcome] the entire world; He took you out of Galus honorably.


Malbim: He is the source of all powers in existence, and He conducts all of them.


What is the meaning of "Hu Asanu"?


Radak: He elevated us. This is like "Asher Asah Es Moshe v'Aharon" (Shmuel I, 12:6).


Malbim: We are attributed to Him in four ways. (a) He made us from nothingness. (b) He is unlike other makers - after they make something, they have no Kinyan in their handiwork 1 . Hashem owns us "Hu Avicha Kanecha" (Devarim 32:6). (c) We are His nation - He conducts us. (d) He keeps us alive and tends us like a shepherd grazes (finances) his flock.


A worker acquires a Kli if He owned the materials (similar to Hashem). And even if he did not own the materials, one opinion holds that he acquires the Kli (Bava Kama 99a)! (PF)


Why is v'Lo written with an Aleph, and we pronounce it with a Vov?


Rashi: The Kesiv hints that [He made us] when we were not [yet] in the world...


Radak: The pronunciation teaches that we are called on His name. The Kesiv teaches that we cannot say that our success is due to our strength.


Radak citing Rav Sadya Gaon: The pronunciation teaches the opposite of "Li Ye'ori va'Ani Asisini" (Yechezkel 29:3; Pharaoh said that he made the Nile river. We admit that we are of Hashem!)

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