
What is the meaning of "va'Tiktzar Nafsho ba'Amal Yisrael"?


Rashi: It is as if Hashem did not have room to bear His affliction due to Yisrael's sin.


Radak and Malbim, both citing Moreh ha'Nevuchim 41: He ceased to desire increasing affliction in Yisrael. Initially, when they sinned, He wanted to afflict them; now they were submissive and repented, and He had mercy on them. It is as if it says me'Amal Yisrael. We find a Beis in place of a Mem, e.g. "veha'Nosar ba'Basar uva'Lechem", "ba'Ger uv'Ezrach ha'Aretz" (Vayikra 8:32, Shemos 12:19).


Radak: It is a metaphor; Dibrah Torah k'Leshon Bnei Adam. Yonasan did not translate this 1 , for He distances [physical] descriptions from Hashem. This is like (Yirmeyah 31:19) "Hemu Me'ai Lo" (My innards are heated amidst compassion for him) and (Bereishis 6:6) "va'Yis'atzev El Libo."


In our text, it is translated.

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